Bad Driving Habits That Could Damage Your Car

We probably don’t intend to hurt our car, after all it is only doing its job of getting us from A to B. Without realising it we might be doing harm because of laziness and bad habits. Don’t worry, once we recognise where we're going wrong, we can easily put it right. More to the point, our cars might just forgive us, or at least not break down.
Look where you are going...
Yes, because if you drive into potholes, hit kerbs and tackle speed bumps, at speed, chances are you will damage or break your suspension, never mind your tyres. Sometimes potholes are unavoidable, but if you look out for hazards, your journey will be smoother and in the long run cheaper.
Driving on Empty…
Tempted to run your car down to the red light on the fuel gauge to save filling up so often? Best not to as you will be putting lots of strain on your engine which may overheat and prematurely wear out items like the fuel pump. Not only that it could suck debris from the bottom of the tank and into the filter. Ideally, stay fuelled.
Fill your boots…
Don’t overload your car or carry around unnecessary baggage. This can cause suspension wear, as well as poor fuel consumption. Best to carry the minimum amount in your boot and even discourage unwanted passengers from travelling with you (joke).
Warm up...
Never be tempted to rev your engine when cold. Oil will have not circulated enough to properly lubricate the engine, so damage will be caused to the most expensive component in your car.
Smoothly does it...
Look ahead and anticipate how you need to drive. Braking suddenly and often, wears out pads and discs. Sudden gear changes, going too quickly from first gear to reverse whilst on the move are all bad habits. The smoother you drive the more economical it will be and the less wear and tear on the car.
It is up to you. Make a few small changes and you will save money and prolong the life of your car. It will be worth the effort as this will at the very least reduce the chances of breaking down.